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Toya:la dung ngo

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

✍️ Shovra Doley Toya:la dung ngo. A:né pígodo Sulli potado Ringgo ringgola. Do:nyibí pékí:tok sa:lendag. Do: nyibí péya:bog oa:dag. Polobísin pékí:tog sa:lendag. Polobísin péya:bog oa:dag. Toya:la dung ngo sima-turmapé. Gené bírdug adug. Domírté tamuli appun pundung. Rouém tapam appun pundung. Ladbug pédongé odung. Gía:dung no ngok ayang mopíso.. Ursudung ngonyi ladbug pédodo. Ayang amni piddung. Turgod manying ma:dung. A:pum torí riding. Kartang loladé laddung. Méngkí potadém bombidung. Yumma-do:mapé nok légangé A:né pígodo Sulli potado Ringgo ringgola Toya:la dung ngo. Word meanning: Gené bírdug: শৰৎকাল। Ladbug pédong:জোনাকৰ বৰষুণ। A:pum torí:মিলনৰসূৰ। Kartang: পূৰ্ণিমা।

Méngkí potad: আশাৰ বতৰা।

English version.

I am Waiting I am waiting Where the river flows, Where the sand rests, Making circles with my fingers. The sun rises in the East, The sun sets in the West. The moon too rises in the East, The moon too sets in the West. I am waiting, neither dead nor alive. Autumn is on his way, The stars are flowering in the sky, There is a shower of moonlight, You are arriving to the forest of my heart. We are taking bath in a moonlight shower, And scattering the seeds of love. Dreaming of ways to live, Stringing beads of togetherness. And the full moon shines on, Bringing tidings of hope. All for you--never tiring, never sleeping. Shovra Doley (translated from the original, "Toya:la Dung")

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